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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Happy Feet (knit version)

this for intermediate knitters as it is at an experienced level you can get all kinds of kits at this siteInstructionseasy to follow and you will need set of 4 dpknitting needles size 6 (3.5mm) a set of 4 dp knitting needles size 8 (5mm)or size needed to obtain gauge, tapestry needle and stitch markers. the gauge is size 8 needles: 6 sts=1 inch. and the finshed sizes are given to fit womaen's small (women's shoe size 6-7) changes for woman's large (women's shoe size 8-10 are in ().
Special Abbrevation: slip, slip, slip, knit(s3k): slip next 3 sts 1 at a time as if to knit, insert left needle into fronts of same sts and knit together.
N1,N2,N3,: needle 1, needle 2, and needle 3.

Sock (make 2)
Ribbing: rnd 1: With larger needles, cast on 36(42) sts. Divide sts onto 3 needles, placing 12(14) sts on each needle. Join being careful not to twist.
Rnd 2: With smaller needles, *k1,p1:rep frm* around. Leave yarn end hanging loose to indiate beg of rnds.
Rnd 3: *K1,p1: rep from *around.
Rep Rnd 3 until ribbing measures 1 1/2 inches from cast on edge.
Change to larger needles.

Next Rnd: *K4(5), k2tog, rep from*around (30 (36) sts)
Next Rnd: Knit
Rep last round until piece measures 4 1/2 inches from cast on edge.

Heel Flap:
Row 1: K15(18). tun, leaving remaining sts unworked.
Row 2: Purl

Size Large only
Row 3:Ssk,K14,k2tog (16)sts)
Row 4: purl. turn
Both Sizes:
Row 3(5): Ssk, knit across to las 2 sts, k2tog. turn.
Row 4(6): Purl. Turn
Rows 5_8(7-10): rep last 2 rows (10)sts)
Row 9(11): Ssk, knit across to last 2 sts, k2tog, with same needle, working in ends of rows, pick up and knit 8(9)sts, across rows 8-1(10-1), knit last st again on last rnd of Ankle, on separate needle, knit last 14(18) unworked sts on last rnd of Ankle. (31(36)sts)

Heel Turning:
Rnd 1: With separate needle (n1), working in ends of rows on heel Flap, knit again in first worked st at base of row 1, pick up and knit *(9) sts in end of rows on Heel flap, on same needle k4(4): with separate needle (n2), k13(14), with separate needle (n3), k14(18) sts. (40(46)sts. with 13(14) sts on N1, 13(14) sts on N2, and 14 (18) sts on N3).

Rnd2: On N1, Ssk,knit rem sts on N2, knit to las 2 sts, k2tog: on N3, knit (38(44)sts).Rnds 3-16: (rep rnd 2) 4(4) times (30(36)sts at end of last rnd with 8(9) sts on N1, 8(9) sts on N2, and 14(18) sts on N3)
Rnd 176: Knit around.
Rep last rnd until piece measures 6 (7) inches from bas of heel flap.

Size Small only:
move first st of N1 onto N3 (7 sts on N1, 8 sts on N3, and 15 sts on N3)

Rnd 1: On N1, ssk, knit rem sts on N2, knit to last 2 sts, k2tog : On N3, ssk,k12(14), k2tog (28(32)sts)
Rnds 2 and 3: Knit around.
Rnd 4: On N1, ssk knit rem sts, on N2, knit to laast 2 sts , k2tog: on N3, ssk, knit to last 2 sts, k2tog(24(28)sts)
Rnds 5-6(5-8) (rep rnds 2 and 4 alternately) once (twice) (20(20)sts at end of last rnd).
Rnd 7(9): *S3k (k1, pass first st made over last st and off needle)4 times, k2 tog, pass first st made over last st and off needle: rep from*around., Cut yar, leaving long ends for sewing.
With tapesty needle, weave yarn, end through loop of remaining st and remove lp from needle. Weave yarn end under bgoth strands of first st of rnd, than back through lp of last st, pull strands snug to match other stitches. Secure end. sew tops of stitches together to close toe.
Go to siteGet50% off on your first kit that you order and the kits are now 21.95 a month. Enjoy!

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